Please note in these weekly channellings I always make sure to connect to a place of love. I have been doing this work for some time for myself and have recently been called to share these teachings from my Pleiadian guides, as always from a place of love. I always ask the question: What Information Is Coming Through My Soul Today That Would Be Of Service To The Collective?
Seeing Through Power Struggles and Dynamics
The path of a light being is ultimately to break down old paradigm structures and belief systems which are all interlinked and interwoven to the path of the light being. Raising the vibration and consciousness of this Planet and yourselves requires time and space to truly deepen your knowledge on self.
To fully know thyself is to know who you are as a being of light and love. When you are deeply grounded and connected to your soul then all the negativity and chaos thrown at you in the 3 dimensional world will bounce off your energy field.
You no longer feel a reliance on the external for internal gains. Instead you are one with the unity consciousness of the divine. The wisdom that you require does not come from your phones, computers or masculine based learning systems. It comes from access to the pure divine matrix that surrounds your Planet, linking you directly to the wisdom of the Universe.
Since 2001 this matrix of light has been activated, allowing you to now move into a higher state of consciousness so you can more easily receive this information to deepen your spiritual journey. But this activation has meant that those controlling powers who feed of fear no longer have the same control as they once did. Attempts to create more distraction, more chaos, deeper levels of programming have been used to try and cut you off from this divine connection.
Your technology maybe telling you this fear based level of control is working. Believe me it is not. More and more of you are awakening to the infinite divine light and wisdom that resides within your soul. Your heart is expanding and your clearing those lower levels of programming that had been surrounding you like a web of lies.
So don’t trust what you see or what is being shown to you via the media or your social media outlets. Trust instead in the wisdom and inner voice that is arising from your heart. When you learn to fully ground within your own light body and integrate your energy to the unified field consciousness you will truly start to make waves of change and transformation in your life.
If you would like to deepen your spiritual journey I offer free meditations on youtube, which you can listen to here.
I also currently offer coaching sessions as well as intuitive readings to provide you with support, guidance and healing for your spiritual journey.